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Meet the members: Susan Kennedy

Susan (foreground) at Keysoe

How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers?

I have been training alongside Hoopsters since January 2007 at Willesden Sports ,Centre but was originally a Serpie. I tried to join QPH (true story) in 2009, but it was impossible. Got told to ring someone who was a membership secretary, but he said he didn't know how to do it! So I gave up and stayed a Serpie. At that point the track on a Tuesday was awash with Serpies and a tiny group of Harriers; really small, and 99% men.  

Then one day in Feb 2012, at the foot of that hill at Parliament Hill, I stood with Alice Lester in her Hoops (she was the only woman Harrier). I was stood among 28 Serpie runners in my Serpie colours and I thought: 'Hmmm, my skills might be better used at Harriers.' So this time, I managed to join. It was 16 April 2012.  

What's the best thing about running?

Running keeps me sane. Completely true. I am by nature rather an anxious, depressive character and winter is really hard for me. I honestly find training for a marathon gives me focus throughout the worst of winter to get to April.

What's your favourite running event?

My favourite running event is just an impossible question; there's the London Marathon, Brighton Marathon, Nice to Cannes Marathon, Marlow 5 (best value for money, medal, shirt and goody bag), Watford 11/2,  Summer League and Cross Country. If you push me for one I might actually say Keysoe Park Cross Country, with the water jump.  On a freezing day it's just so bonkers you can't help but smile.

What else do you do?

I have been working in an office services company called Restore for nearly eight years. I was a producer in advertising before children—met my husband on a Twix commercial—worked in a school until the children were older so I got the half terms and holidays, and now I organise five different sales teams from our different businesses. I am in charge of the group-wide CRM system. There were five users when I started and now there are 225! We have bought 32 companies since I joined and I have lost a lot of hair and learnt what a CRM is.

Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know. 

I appeared in lots of 'Wish You Were Here' travel shows on ITV in the 1990s.

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