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Meet the members: Sarah Cooke

How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers? I joined in Autumn 2018 with my husband Ian. Truthfully, I only joined to support Ian. But now I love being a Hoopster and proudly did my first cross country event over the winter.

What's the best thing about running? There are so many! Being in nature, the runner's high and of course the support of fellow runners.

What's your favourite running event? Well it's a tie between the London marathon and the Gladstone parkrun. One I have done once, the other 150 times!

What else do you do? I'm happiest being with my family, friends and dogs. I have two jobs, one doing tax work for a French bank and the other for an organisation in the environment sector. I also squeeze in a bit of yoga and zumba.

Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know. I grew up in Nigeria and then Australia. When I first met Ian I had a broad Australian accent!I


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