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Meet the Members: Karima Harris

How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers?

Since February 2019.

What's the best thing about running?

There is no one best thing but lots of great things including running with friends, running with work colleagues, being part of a (winning) team, the fantastic drug that is released into my body when I run….and of course winning.

What's your favourite running event?

Surrey Hills 60k. Would be nice to have a few more QPHs doing it this year (find out how you can enter here).

Congratulations on recently representing England in Cross country! Tell us a little about that.

My Head of Department suggested I enter so I filled in the forms and did the qualifying race at Stratford. The race was at Aintree racecourse. Not much cross country to be honest. It was flat and not that muddy so not that interesting really. It was England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and I ran in the “reserves race” but my time would have put me 7th in the main race so I was happy with that. While the race wasn’t that special, it was

worth it for the red England sweatshirt!

What would you say is your greatest running achievement?

Valencia Marathon (Karima finished in 3.02:55!) and winning the Surrey Hills 60k, three times in a row.

What else do you do?

During the day (and night sometimes) I am a corporate partner in a City law firm doing M&A. I really enjoy my job and get a buzz from doing deals. Other than that, I have three kids who keep me busy. Other hobbies include playing netball for my firm’s team and tennis.

Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know.

I love black and white films. Cary Grant, Gregory Peck and James Stewart are my favourite actors and I watch It’s a Wonderful Life at least once a year!

Thanks Karima!


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