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Meet the Members: Gabby Smart

Q. How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers? About 5 and a half years! I joined Kent AC after stumbling across them when I lived in Ladywell, so looked up a club as soon as I moved to Kensal Green. I later moved to Wembley but stuck with QPH. Q. What's the best thing about running? The freedom it gives me to get an hour’s peace around my family at Christmas, or some downtime on a friends holiday, or freedom from doing boring chores at home! I take a pair of trainers with me pretty much everywhere I go. Q. What's your favourite running event? Hard question! It might have to be one of the summer league events… I love the huge turnout from the club, the watermelon and cake, general good vibes and sunshine. Regent's park if you had to push me. Q. What would you say is your greatest running achievement? Vienna Marathon last year, I ran it in 3:28 - something I never could've imagined doing when I first started running. I still remember how proud I was to run a sub 30 minute 5km! It was only through being part of QPH and seeing others go from strength to strength with their running, and being surrounded by people full of ambition and encouragement, that I realised own true limits - cheesy but true!

Q. What else do you do? I find novelty a huge draw in staying active, so I’ve done a bit of Muy Thai, boxing, cycling, swimming, Crossfit, yoga… but I consistently go to the gym every week just to zone out to some hip hop.

Outside of running I work in homelessness and managed the largest hotel for rough sleepers in London during the pandemic (although I’m now in policy for the GLA so I can’t sort out any donations - sorry!).

Q. Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know My uncle used to play Rugby for England in the 70s but sadly none of his skills got passed down to me. It turns out I found games far too cold and am not great at catching…


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