How long have you been a member of Queen’s Park Harriers?
A long time; I think I joined in 2010 or 2011. I may be the longest serving female member! I was certainly the first ever female club president in 2016.
What's the best thing about running?
Good for your head, for your body and catching up with mates. And it means I can eat and drink lots.
What's your favourite running event?
The London Marathon, although only a run I wanted to do once! It was one of the most amazing and challenging things I have ever done, but definitely up there as one of the 'best days of my life'. Otherwise, the Lee Valley Race for Life half marathon is a lovely run.
What else do you do?
In my day job I am 'Building a Better Brent', as Head of Planning at Brent Council.
Tell us something surprising about yourself that other members may not know.
I am one of seven children, and we were all born on a different day of the week - now that's family planning for you! I am Thursday's child.