The Liddiard Trophy for Men and the Patricia O'Connor Cup for Women will take place on 2nd November in its usual home around Fryent Country Park.
Race HQ will be at Kingsbury Free Church Baptist Hall, 19 Slough Lane, London NW9 8QG with plenty of cake afterwards!

Timings for the North West London Young Athletes Cross Country League are as follows:
1:00pm - 2000 metres - Under 11 Girls and Boys
1:15pm - 3000 metres - Under 13 Girls and Boys
1:45pm - 4000 metres - Under 15 Girls and Boys
2:15pm - 5000 metres - Under 17 Women and Men
2:15pm - 8000 metres - Women and Men
Full details can be found on the race day page.
This is the club's one fixture that we organise ourselves so all help is appreciated. We have a selection of team leaders volunteering to head up areas of organisation.
Official Organisation - Bill O'Connor
Course Set Up - Sam Sutherland
Hall Set Up - Gilly Cross
Car Park & Directions - Gordon Kennedy
Signage and Maps - Emma Sutherland
Refreshments- Jodie Whitelaw, Tricia O'Connor and Sarah Dent
Marshalls - Leanna Mailer & Sarah Power
Gazebo - Sophie Barnard
Hall Clear Up - Catherine Walker
Please let us/them know if you can help - this is a Run Equal event - let's get the Volunteer Equal vibe going.
Finally we would LOVE you to bake and donate a cake! The more the merrier!
Contact Sarah or Jodie if you can.
Any questions or if you can volunteer please contact us on: