The Hoops turned out in force at The Summer League last year.
Paris, Berlin, London, Brighton, Leeds and Ealing; QPH members race far and wide to test their fitness and competitive spirit, but the best races are those surrounded by supportive club-mates.
For that reason, in 2019 QPH will launch it's inaugural Club Road Championship. We are publishing a list of mostly local, often club-run events that vary in distance and profile. The aim: to bring us all together, racing the same races as much as possible. So please find below a list of club road races for 2019 and scout out which events you might want to enter:
For the competitive among you, we will be recording everyone's results, adjusting these for age grading (à la parkrun) and provided you have a minimum of six results (top six results count) you will be entered into a Club Road Championship with a male and female Road Champion to be announced at the 2019 Christmas Party.
If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact our Road Captains, Jen Armson and Matt Kitching. We start with the cracking Fred Hughes 10 miler in St Albans in January, so we hope to see many of you there!