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Running in a winter wonderland!

The snow today may have thinned out the mob run this morning... but it didn't stop us from getting out eventually (and some even before)! A little flurry won't stand in the way of our Hoopsters from getting our run fix!

Here's the low-down of everyone's snow filled adventures...

Gildas and Neil

It's not all serious racing... We've a few jokers and jumpers too! Click here to read more about the fun and frolics of the official QPH mob run this weekend...

Jojo, Natalie and Jude

This Sunday my plans meant I needed to get my run done early. I arranged to meet some early bird QPH runners Jojo and Judith at 7.30am at the QP cafe. From 6am I listened to to the rain lashing down wondering if I must be mad. Sure enough from 7am there were messages exchanged just to check we really were going to do this. Of course! We are tough QPH runners, we weren’t going to let a bit of torrential rain and freezing cold weather stop us.

We met in the dark park and off we went, feet already soaked through. The rain turned really hard and painful on our faces but optimistically we decided it was like getting a free, extreme facial.

We decided to head to Hampstead Heath and on the way there came the magic. Almost instantly everything became bright white. The snow started to fall thick and fast and we found ourselves in the midst of the most beautiful winter wonderland.

So of course we stopped for some selfies, braving taking our gloves off to capture the exciting moment.

We returned back to Queen’s Park feeling very pleased with ourselves even though we were completely frozen. My hands were in so much pain I couldn’t move them and had to call on my neighbour to retrieve my key from amongst my layers and let me into my flat! A bit embarrassing but worth it for our beautiful and exhilarating Sunday snow run.

Matt Peffers

I woke at 5:30am to the sound of rain driving against the bedroom window and cowered under the warm duvet as the memories flooded back of my early days of running. The 'forced' Parkruns in the wind and rain that first Winter. This was going to be unpleasant. But necessary.

I had to run for two reasons: one - with post shin-splint enthusiasm, I'd paid my own good money to take part in the Royal Parks Winter Series; two - the medals from the three races were designed to fit together in a circle. It would forever taunt me if my circle remained incomplete, for the sake of an early start and some rain.

At 7am I crawled gingerly out of bed and to the kitchen. Not rain. Sleet.

Whilst on the 432 bus to Brixton, sleet became snow. Somewhere underground between Brixton and Regents Park, it started to settle. This was going to be interesting.

As the many runners converged on the Hub, individual misery was replaced by a collective sense of excitement. Some were experiencing snow for the first time. I suspect many had never run in it before. But the officials deemed the course sufficiently safe and we lined up and set off.

The course was essentially the same as Regents Park's Summer League fixture, five months previous. Almost everything else had changed - no warm summer colours, less grip underfoot. Not a great deal of feeling in my feet. No cake.

But the same sense of accomplishment at the finish line. And a PB to boot.

There's still one more race to be run - Hyde Park in January - before the circle is complete. And I'll certainly be hoping for more compliant weather. But this was an experience I won't forget in a hurry.


I had supposed to have been running the Christmas 10K at the Olympic park, but when I woke up early to snow I thought it unlikely I'd make it. Instead, I made a plan with a friend to rendezvous at some stables a couple of miles out of town. We had a short and sweet snowy run, before a recovery cup of tea.

Sam and Emma

It's days like this that really make you feel like you are a real runner! When you run down the streets and don't see another single runner... it makes you feel pretty hardcore!

We decided that, for once, we were going to have a weekend lie in... so missed the start of the mob run. Soon the news of the snow filtered through from the outside world by way of the QPH Whatsapp group and we new that we had to get up and out, so not to miss the beautiful snowy scenes!

We donned our new trail shoes and set off in the direction of the Heath... shuffling up the hills as we went, getting bemused looks from the people we passed.

The Hampstead streets looked amazing with their white dusting, but nothing could compare with the Heath itself! We felt like we were in the middle of a festive wonderland.... branches laden with snow, frozen lakes, flakes falling around us!

After getting a little lost and losing the feeling in our fingers, we worked our way home... stumbling across our namesake road on our way. We couldn't resist taking a little selfie on our way past!

It may have taken a while to thaw out, but it was definitely worth it!

Susan + James

Susan headed out with her son James to run around King Edward VII park.


...and Anastasia managed a later, slightly hungover and injury recovery run around Gladstone Park. Nice and icy!

Well done Harriers! Now that's commitment... in your face snow!!

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