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Trent Park trotting

Nathan B. tells you everything about last weekend events. Thank you Nathan! We're still without the first truly muddy cross country with rain lashing down, all of us huddled in the gazebo, as yesterday was as bright and refreshingly brisk as one could hope for. There was a good turn out with a hope in many of the junior races, testament to the strong growth of our junior team. Gone are the days of a lone junior harrier (me) being roundly beaten by a hoard of dastardly highgate runners. As usual, there was the old starter lady, ubiquitous to the south east cross country circuit, and of course Brian, looking dashing as always, and a host of other volunteers who keep grassroots athletics alive, particularly noble in the winter season, albeit without anything too frostbite-inducing this season. The first race was a breathless 1400 from the u11 girls, all of whom gave brave performances, in particular Sofia Raez who came first of the qph girls with a fantastic run. The under 11 girls is a strong team- we look forward to their future exploits and perhaps see them challenging for places. There were no Harriers running in the U13 girls or U11 boys which was lucky as the race was 2450m. A stupid distance, no more than two non zero digits should be allowed and I will be writing a strongly worded letter on the matter. U15 girls ran 3000m (an approved distance) where Charlotte Tatham ran solo for QPH and did a sterling job. My darling baby brother ran in the following race, along with Jake and Alex. They ran in a pack in a commendable display of team running as is the heart of cross country and finished in highly respectable positions up in the top third of the field, including Noah despite his picking up an injury towards the end of the race. They were the first race to enter the wood on their 3k course and had to run down, and, more painfully, up, the spike killing hill that’s stone path which was inadequately covered with mulch; perhaps another letter is required. Despite, and in part because of, it was a very solid piece of cross country running from the lads.

Tony Raez represented the U15 boys in his first cross country season and looked like he was enjoying it. I ran next. Ran is perhaps the wrong term. I was brutally murdered by 5 man-boy-beasts (except one who was tiny, dammit, so I’ll be losing to him next season) who I was foolhardy enough to think that I could keep up with. I kept pace with them for the first 3.5k or so of the 5.6k course and then they dropped me faster than the Brexiteer’s 350 million. Nevertheless I had good race and finished a decent enough 7th and thankfully uninjured, which was loverly. The seniors ran next but frankly who cares about them, they’re just oldies trundling toward death and decay, trying to stave off the monotony of life and inevitability of their bodies failing and crumbling to dust. But they ran well so that was nice. Kerr and Johnny were super speedy and gave an excellent account of themselves. All the harriers gave admirable performances in a good day for QPH as we steadily build our cross country presence. Up the park!

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