Saturday 25th June, 7.30pm at South Hampstead Cricket Club, the last few balls were being bowled on a stop/ start rainy day as Alice and the team arrived to set up the tables for the now annual Queens Park Harriers Quiz night. Invented by Alice, organised by Alice and compered by Alice. Thanks Alice. The raffle was organised by Nick Stallman - some great prizes were on offer, Oliver Lester sold tickets like a demon. The tables once laid out were slowly filled up with teams from Sudbury Court, lots of Harriers, Bill had a distinguished table of players, Sophie, Gildas, Richard and their gang were looking scarily intelligent. Susan was gathering a team of young and old to cover all areas in a very non-competitive way. The food table also filled with delicious home made pork rolls from Nick, lots of delicious salads, cheese and a selection of yummy sweet things for pudding. The Quiz started off with a list of Dingbats - always fun and either you get them or you don't! There were rounds including Olympics, Music, Film, Geography, Spelling and Shakespeare and each team had a chance to double their score on one round with a Joker. There was some banter, friendly banter, and no cheating or drug taking that we were aware of. By half time the Gildas, Jojo, Sophie, Richard table were in the lead with Susan's table of Kennedys, Godwins, Jamie, Nathan and Dawn, a Queens Park Queen ringer, in second place. More food was enjoyed, pints supped and wine sipped. Alice's team of Andy and Oliver kept the scores, collected the papers and managed the whole event. Raffle tickets were sold and folded and prizes admired. The second part of the Quiz flashed by with some spelling embarrassment in some teams (yes, there are two "R"s in embarrassment it turns out - never argue spelling with Emily Godwin). Then a very public mistake on one of Shakespeare's most well known quotes.... but despite this the Team Mo - Susan, Gordon, Patrick, Simon, Emily, Jamie, Nathan and Dawn were joint winners with the Sudbury Court team who had been viciously penalised by 8 points for having 9 team members not 8 as advertised. (Team Mo defended their number as Amanda Logan had joined them for the first few rounds SIMPLY for a drink - she never offered any answers so cannot seriously be taken into account - Amanda its true isn't it??) So it was "Tie Break" time - Team Mo sent up Simon against Sudbury Courts best team member and he was lucky, sorry, clever, enough to get the nearest answer to a Facebook users question. Hurrah for Team Mo. We then moved onto the raffle where there had been some great donations from Jane Hansom, The Royal Oak - Harlesden, the Lexi Cinema & Nomad cinema thanks to Sian, Queens Park Flowers and other goodies. Tickets were drawn, prizes claimed and the evening complete. Thanks very much Alice - a great evening and £200 raised for the QPH coffers.
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