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The Liddiard Trophy

Team photo of the Liddiard 2023 Queen's Park Harriers atheletes prior to the race, looking excited.

Queen's Park Harriers invites clubs to compete in the 76th annual Liddiard Cross Country Trophy race which will be run under UKA rules.


We hope to see many of the teams who have competed over the years, plus new ones.




Saturday 4th November 2023




Collect numbers, leave bags, toilets and changing at Kingsbury Free Church (Baptist), Slough Lane, London, NW9 8QG.


Course: Start & finish line is in Fryent Country Park, Kingsbury, Middlesex.


Start times:


The afternoon starts with the juniors in the North West London Athletes Cross Country League, followed by the Liddiard Trophy and Tricia O'Connor Cup.


Men and women, and boys and girls run the same distances and together in all fixtures.


The Under 17s start at the same time as the Seniors, though run a different course.


  • 13:00 – U11 - 2,000m (1 small lap)

  • 13:15 – U13 - 3,000m (1 large lap)

  • 13:45 – U15 - 4,000m (1 mini lap & 1 large lap)

  • 14:15 – U17 - 5,000m (1 small lap & 1 large lap)

  • 14:15 – Seniors - 5 miles (1 small lap & 2 large laps)


Awards are given for the first three individuals and first three teams.

Women: 4 runners per team to score, Men: 8 runners per team to score.


Can we include how the scoring works?


Getting there:


Nearest tube is Kingsbury (Jubilee line) and then a one mile 'warm up jog'.

Parking is very limited and please do not park on grass verges as you will get a ticket.




Entries should be made via a representative at your running club, usually the Cross Country Captain. Costs are £5 per athlete, and your club should email Malcolm French no later than Saturday 28th October 2023 with the names and the EA number of each runner who wishes to compete.


​Second claim runners may compete if their first claim club is not competing.




Undulating grass land.


The Hall:


Refreshments are available in the Hall including hot drinks, cakes, sandwiches and snacks.

There are no showers, but washing facilities and toilets are available.






















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